Sunday, March 16, 2008

What makes Us So Special?

Really general question. What I am trying to ask is,

"What makes us Human?"

We feel. That's what makes s human. And I don't mean the 5 senses. I mean, something more. Something only we can feel. Emotion.

"It's What makes us Human?"

Emotion is something you feel every moment of your life. You feel, Happy, Sad, Content, Haughty, Humble, Angry, Upset, Numb, In Love.. Emotion is such a strong feeling.

I would go so far as to say the only reason we do things in life is to feel the good emotions and keep away the bad. Think about it, when you feel angry or sad, won't you do anything for that feeling to go away.

When you are in love, won't you do anything to make sure it lasts forever. Because it brings you indescribable happiness.

As a species, I feel we all live life to experience our emotions.

You walk down a road one day and just look around you. The number of emotions you will see will be so numerous, I'm sure you ill catch yourself wondering when was the last time you felt that particular emotion.

If you are wondering how you can find so many emotions, It's easy! Look into their eyes. All the answers to what someone is feeling or thinking is right there. You will never know what they are thinking, but you can get an idea of how they are feeling.

Live your life. Experience all your emotions. Good or Bad, Happy or Sad, They all make you who you are!


1 comment:

  1. I agree that humans have all types of emotions, but what sets us apart is the 6th sense of reasoning. I love animals and i know that they feel emotions too :)


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