These two series have been on Netflix instant play for a while now. I finally got around to watching both of them.
Half way through the series, I was really looking forward to blogging about it and telling everyone that this was a really cool series that was cut short. I was really looking forward to singing it's praises. But, unfortunately, I can't do that. 'Caus
neither the series nor the movie actually deserve that level of accolades.
They do however warrant a mention. Because it was not bad. Because it was a nice idea, there was some chemistry & well 'caus I'm a SciFi fan who has run out of Star Trek & Star Wars stuff to watch.
I had watched Buffy & Angel off and on. They had a certain flair. Firefly brought that same flair to this series as well. I guess it's the Josh Whedon touch. As a concept, Firefly is great. The earth has run out of resources so humans find other worlds to colonize. And then of course some places become richer and some poorer. Wars break out and battle lines are drawn. All make a great recipe. The best part of this series was that it was about humans in space. Not some humans with 10 other alien species mixed in.
Anyway, the series had a certain space cowboys, western feel and is quite riveting. You go from episode to episode relating to the characters,building a bond. And just when you wonder where the series is going. It get's canned. So, that takes us to the movie.
Ok. Let's take a breath. Before I talk about the Movie. Firefly on it's own according to me is 3.66/5 for a TV series. It's defiantly worth a watch - although not the best I've seen.
So, Serenity. I guess the makers had to make this movie to give some kind of a logical ending to their series, their franchise. I guess they did to that. Eventually. The movie tires to tie up the loose ends in the series. Like, what did the Alliance do to River? Who the hell is Shepard Book? And, what on earth are Refers?
Again, as a concept, the story is good. But the execution is poor. The movie takes very long to get going and by the time it does, you are ready for it to end. To give it credit. It does end well. The closing plot is very good and the acting does get better as the movie moves along. But, since it's a movie, I'll have to say it's just average. 2.5/5 for Serenity.
I think, if you have some spare time on your hands & you like SciFi, you can do worse than Firefly & Serenity. I'd say just watch Firefly, but that makes no sense, you'll want to know how it ends. So take the good with the bad and watch both. You may not regret it. :)
personally, i prefer the star trek type of movies and series.. not only coz they are awesome but also have good actors, chemistry etc..
ReplyDeleteFirefly falls woefully short.. nice storyline but that's it.The actors who were ok during the series somehow turned dreadful in the movie.. ! :D