Friday, October 05, 2007

"As we forgive those who trespass against us."

This line is from a prayer that many of us might have said every day for years. (I did for 14 years)
It's a line where we ask God to forgive our sins the way we forgive the sins of others.

Have you ever thought about what it means. What it is to hold a grudge? How it is to will someone ill.
Would we ever be able to live with ourselves if what we wish comes true?

I don't think there is a single person in this world who is evil. There are different points of view. There might be a few people who might do harm to another but they are another story. I am talking about the anyone who is mentally well and has no murderous instincts. This blog is about Love, Hate, Being a good person. I started with a line from that Prayer as i felt it was an apt way to convey a message.

I'm not going to reiterate that message now. Maybe I will later, for now, let's get to the point.

All of us at sometime or the other in our lives would have been hurt by someone. Instinctually we wish that something bad happens to that person. It's something that comes to all of us at that instant. But how far can that hate go? And whom does that hate hurt more?

I can state for a fact if will hurt you more internally than it would ever hurt the person you are hating!

There are occasions where that person does it knowingly to payback something you did or maybe did not do.Or there might be times it might be a provocation. The worst and the most common of all is when we are hurt by someone we love. Someone we care about. We are hurt to such an extent that the pain, the anger and the hate boil up and hurt us more..

So what do we do? Hate back? Hurt Back? I don't think that's the way to go! Well I'm not going to be all spiritual and say Turn the other cheek. It's an option, but in the short term you can try and fix the problem, or you can walk away from the pain.

But as the anger subsides and only the pain remains, try the magic cure.. Try and forgive. It will give you more happiness to forgive and forget the pain than to hold it up inside. Think of the good times and smile. Maybe your relationship with that person may mend, maybe it will never be the same again. Either way, you will be a better person for it. It may take time for this forgiveness to happen, but when it does you feel better.

I have in my own life tried what i am writing here today. And I can say it works.

Be a good person. Don't wish anyone harm. Life's too short for all that. Just be the best you can be, to yourself, your family, your wife, your girlfriend, your best friend, your neighbor, your ex, who ever.. Anyone you encounter. Give them a smile, It might brighten up their day, but it will certainly work wonders on yours.


1 comment:

  1. thought provoking blog :)

    i can relate to the theme :)
    there have been times when i felt I jus cant forgive certain acts by certain ppl.But gradually time has healed the wounds and I have not jus forgiven them but also forgotten bout it :) :)


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