Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's a Complicated World

I have a strange attachment to people.

My Life, I have tended to bother a lot about what people think. What would someone think if I did this or I did that or said this or said that.

There is a part of me that always wants to breakaway and just live life on my terms and not bother about the rest of the world.

But is that really me. I have never considered myself a Non Conformist by any stretch of imagination. I have always been the run of the mill guy that loves his life, Love the people around him. I guess at some level I just like to be surrounded by people and make people laugh.

I know I must have spoken about this a lot, but really one thing in my life that has always been true is my desire to see a smile on the face of people around me. I Love seeing people smile. That just the way I am I guess.

There are sometimes when I wonder if it is being very soft or very concerned about the rest of the world. Although, I have been saying that I am a people person, Am I?

I do mean it when I say I love being around people. But, I am kinda closed off. There are parts of my life I don't talk about. Well that's me. Anyway, there are still some people in this world who are to me beyond words. They are more to me that anything in this world. These are the only people who know the entire me. So is the case with most of us in this world.

A lot of people think they know me. Well they do, but the entire me? Nah, I don think so. Even I don't know me. That's why I think this world is so complicated. I can't make sense of it.

I guess the best way I know how to live my life is to be positive about whatever happens to me. I of course get angry, disappointed, frustrated. But, I'm committed. I'm Committed to live my life to the fullest. Life is not all Money N Work N blah blah.. .There is a lot of Heart involved. Live Life with all your Heart and you can get up and rock on everyday.

Well That's what I think anyway.

I love this space. This space where there is no rules, no laws, no regulations. I am ME. My tribute to Rahul Blah. My Blog, My Website. This is me.

Most of my blogs are similar, this is life. My life.

Chill Out. Have Fun


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